Adult Circumcision in London, UK

Adult Circumcision in London

Are you looking for adult circumcision in London? You have come to the right place because our UK  GMC registered surgeons and our team have 28 years of experience and will discuss circumcision's cons and pros. Adult circumcision can be done under local, regional or general anaesthesia. Adult circumcision in London is commonly performed by glue, stitches or staplers using the forceps guided or the dorsal slit methods under local anaesthesia. Our London clinic is registered by the UK Care Quality Commission (CQC). 

Our consultant urologist performs adult circumcision in London due to phimosis (tight foreskin), paraphimosis (foreskin stuck beyond the glans), recurrent Balanitis or posthitis (infection of the prepuce) and scarring due to lichen sclerosis atrophicus (Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans). Non-medical reasons could be religious, personal or cultural.

Our surgeons, Dr. Khan and Consultant Urologists, will discuss the negative and positive sides of circumcision with you. Adult circumcision can be done under local, regional or general anaesthesia. Adult circumcision in London is commonly performed by glue or stitches using the forceps guided or the dorsal slit methods.

The cost of adult circumcision in the UK starts from £580. Penile block with a circumferential block by injection will give virtual pain-free men circumcision at the London Circumcision Clinic. Informed consent must be taken.

Adult circumcision recovery may take from 3-6 weeks. Possible risks of adult circumcision are bleeding, infection, poor cosmetic results, and change in sensation during sexual activities. Please visit our main London Circumcision Centre website.


Adult Circumcision in the London Clinic is most often performed for medical reasons in men. Circumcision may be performed for the following reasons:

  • Phimosis (tight foreskin)
  • Tight foreskin due to Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans (BXO),
  • Paraphimosis
  • Balanitis or balanoposthitis (infection of the foreskin or glans)
  • Frenulum breve, tear or scarring at the frenulum causes pain during sexual activity
  • A tight or short frenulum causes the head of the penis to tilt, bleeding during sex or tilt down during erections
  • Hygiene, cultural or religious

Circumcision Cons and Pros

Circumcision is recommended for medical reasons in men and adolescents, especially BXO or phimosis affecting sexual life. The consequences of circumcision are still debated in the existing literature, and conflicting conclusions have been reported.

There is evidence reported that male circumcision has health benefits. A lower risk of urinary tract infections and a reduced risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been reported in men.

The trials conducted in Africa provide enough evidence of the outcome of circumcision for preventing several STIs and HIV among men. Protection against penile cancer and fewer chances of cervical cancer in female sex partners is also reported in the medical literature.

Circumcision is ethical for parents or carers who are circumcised or have their children circumcised on religious, social, or cultural grounds.

Circumcision rarely causes serious complications if a trained surgeon/urologist performs in a dedicated clinic with a proper follow-up. The advantages and disadvantages of circumcision with risks and benefits must be discussed when circumcision is recommended for adults and adolescents.

Possible risks of male circumcision are bleeding, infection, poor cosmetic results, and change in sensation during sexual activities. (Friedman, CMI 2016;22:768).

Local Anaesthesia

A local anaesthetic is injected into the base of the penis and all around the shaft of the penis. This provides safe and effective pain relief during the operation. Pain relief is recommended after the operation, and the patient is not asleep. This also minimises postoperative pain for a few hours.

Adult Circumcision Costs in the UK from £580

What is the cost of circumcision in the UK at the London Circumcision Clinic or alternative to circumcision? From £580

We provide frenuloplasty without additional cost when you have a circumcision at the same time. 

Circumcision is legal in the UK. NHS provides free circumcision in the UK due to medical reasons. However, the waiting list is very long for most hospitals. In England and Wales, non-medical circumcision operation is no longer funded by the NHS (Atkin et al. 2009, Wheeler and Malone 2013).

Informed Consent

We provide the patient with adequate information about the procedure ahead of time. Circumcision is an irreversible procedure that exposes the head of the penis permanently. Informed consent is taken before the procedure.

Full or Partial Circumcision

Full circumcision means moderately cutting the inner and outer foreskin to expose the head of the penis. Partial circumcision leaves some loose skin, which might partially cover the head of the penis and is very similar to loose circumcision.

Full circumcision might give a false impression of loose/partial circumcision when the penis is flaccid, especially in a patient with a buried penis. Partial circumcision is possible, but it has a few complications in the long term. These can be discussed with our specialist at Adult circumcision in London.

CIrcumcision Techniques

Following are methods of adults and boys over 16-year-old for circumcision

1.     Dorsal slit method: Dorsal slit method for circumcision is mainly used for phimosis (tight foreskin) and paraphimosis. After a partial dorsal slit, the surgeon must identify the glans corona to cut the correct amount of foreskin.

2.     Sleeve method: Freehand cutting of the foreskin

3.     Forceps guided method: Use of forceps to cut the foreskin

4.     Freehand method: cutting the foreskin with a scissor

5.     Shang ring: disposable clamp to use

6.     Glue and stitches circumcision: Glue or stitches are applied to skin edges.

Our preferred method at Adult Circumcision in London is Glue circumcision. Men's circumcision with a Shang ring is a quick procedure. However, wound healing takes longer than conventional circumcision in adults (J Urology 2012). Circumcision may be done at any age. You can get circumcised at the age of 16, 20 or later. Grown-up men can get circumcised at the London Circumcision Clinic.

Circumcision Recovery for Adult Circumcision

Circumcision with glue heals quicker than one with stitches. Swimming and weight lifting should be avoided for 2-3 weeks. Full recovery following circumcision generally requires 4-6 weeks. Oversensitivity of the glans may take a few months to resolve.

Adult Circumcision Healing Tips

To reduce the effect of night erections by pulling on the stitches or glue during the first few days after the adult circumcision, empty your bladder before retiring and a few times during the night. Do not lie on your back but on your side. It may be helpful to draw your knees up a bit into a more foetal position. Wear tight underwear after the procedure to prevent excessive movement. Follow the aftercare advice and keep the wound dry for 48 hours.

Please take vitamin C regularly for ten days to promote healing. If the wound is completely healed, apply vitamin E or bio-oil to the scar after 15 days to improve the scar. Please contact Dr Khan at the London Circumcision Clinic for further advice.

Risk of Men Circumcision

The risks of circumcisions are explained to the patients. Risks are bleeding, bruises, haematoma formation, infection, unintentional damage to the glans, removal of too much or too little skin, lymphoedema, aesthetically unpleasing results and a change of sensation during intercourse and masturbation.

The patient should also be informed that, during the postoperative period, erections can cause pain and discomfort—minimal chances of disruption or scarring of wounds, which might require a redo operation.

Postoperative Care

You might experience discomfort for a few days after the circumcision, but painkillers help to decrease the pain. Passing urine is painless and is not affected by the operation. There will be swelling and bruising of the penis for a few days after the procedure. This will last 7-15 days, then subside gradually, and should not cause alarm. Bleeding after circumcision can be stopped in adults by applying pressure or a bandage.

A dressing (bandage) is applied around the wound line to prevent the wound from sticking to your underclothes. A bandage with self-adhesive stretch gauze will stay for three days (Cobain). It is advisable to wear light clothing for 2-3 days. The wound will be at least 7- 15 days before healing occurs, and you may return to work when you are comfortable enough.

Most people require at least a week off work. You should gently wash the wound daily and shower regularly for the next few days. You should avoid going to the gym or lifting weights for two weeks. To prevent wound breakdown, you should refrain from sexual activity for at least 4-6 weeks after the procedure.

PS: This information is for guidance only and is not a replacement for professional medical advice. Please call Dr Khan or a Consultant Urologist at Adult Circumcision in London for free telephone advice without obligation at +447527314081.